26th December, 2021

26th December, 2021

Kindly receive the following guidance..
Week 53/1 – It looks like an extension to the yesterday’s amazing card.
You are asked to just enjoy, and explore your journey, and make sure you make the most of this new life.
It looks like you are creating a lot of love and abundance, whenever you allow yourself to be You, (So beautiful).
It is the best time to make sure you connect with your higher self, and seek any guidance which you may need.
Just invoke your guides and you are sorted.
Grounding yourself is necessary, especially when you are connecting with your higher self.
Make sure you are grounded and thus expand your love and energy towards others.
A lot of healing is been done, so do remember to take care of yourself.
Love and Light,
31st December 2021

31st December 2021

Teaching and Learning
Kindly receive the following guidance..
Last Day of 2021 – As this is the last day of calendar year, it’s only wise to take along all the lessons and learning to the new year.
Let all the wisdom overflow to the coming year, which will serve as a catalyst in your growth.
While you enjoy this day, remember to be grateful to everything that the year gave you, and still be humble enough to be ready to learn more.
Stay grounded, and remember to show your love to your loved one.
Be yourself, love yourself, and let others also see how to do it.
While you learn and practice your learning, others who see you, also get inspired to follow.
Express your truth and just allow the expansion of your energy.
You are guided and protected so just be you.
Take care.
Love and Light,
1st January, 2022

1st January, 2022

Kindly receive the following guidance..
New Calendar Year – What a beautiful card, and what an amazing guidance to follow.
No matter what we do, there is always scope of forgiveness, either to self or to others.
You are asked to acknowledge your wisdom, and thus use it for your growth.
Since we are starting a new journey with this day, it’s best to let go of past, by being kind and forgiving.
Expand your energy and receive all that is meant for you.
Allow yourself to be grateful for all the things that you have learned so far, and for every experience you had.
Make sure to seek help, if you need, and enjoy your own energy.
Take care.
Love and Light,
2nd January, 2022

2nd January, 2022

Kindly receive the following guidance..
Week 2 – Wedding bells for all those who are looking for a long term committed relationship! Hurray!
Congratulations to all of you who have been working a lot to heal themselves to receive this blessing.
It sure seems like a week where the possibility of finding your life partner is very high.
The only thing you are supposed to do is be yourself, and let them find you.
Even if you don’t find each other this week, rest assured, this is happening sooner than you imagine.
A lot of events are taking place in the background to accommodate them as per your desires, as if you are the most loved person.
Cherish this blessing, and stay in this energy, as it brings you closer to your dreams and life path.
(Wishing you a lot of happy butterfly feelings).
Take care.
Love and Light,
Read It When You Read It

Read It When You Read It

Hello Dear Ones,

In this section of blog, I am sharing a short version of my life in my own words. I am sure you may relate to most of it in some or the other way. So feel free to love yourself more and more.
I am my own person. The more I look back on the days I had the opportunity to be myself, I realized that it may be possible that I had created different impressions on different people. With me being me and with all of my sincerity, I realized that I created moments with all those people which became unforgettable memories.
Never did I realize the time was helping me to bring me face to face with my memory so easily.
No matter how I look at it, I feel happy that I was able to create at least one type of impression on all those people who were and are a part of my life.
With each person it was a different type of memory or moment which am sure will make them think of me, even if am not a part of their life anymore. This makes me feel as if I was able to create a different type of impact on their lives and thus contributing in my own way to them.
I won’t deny the fact that receiving their bit in my life was a blessing too, yet I am more happy to believe that those who remember me still, well, it was my achievement.
I will gladly take it as a big excuse, to be myself more often, and to create an impact on those who are yet to be a part of my life.
I am amazed with myself as I see in retrospect as how varied and colorful I can be.
Some people may have a memory of me being childish(I guess I still am), some may see me as caring, some may remember my stupidity and laugh silently. I may have hurt someone and yet they remember me, and let it slide(I wish they do so). Some may have forgotten my name, but remember my face or something that I said. Some might have a big bundle of memories with them of me, and they might visit those whenever they encounter similar situations. And some just wish or pray for my happiness, whom I might have forgotten(I guess the miracles of my life).
I am happy to see myself in retrospect who was a daredevil in her own way. I loved, I cried, I risked, I survived, I was hurt, but yet I loved everything about my life so far.
When I try to balance my blessings and sorrows, no matter how well I try to balance, the blessings always overtake the sorrows. I guess am just lucky.
I am sure I have made a lot of special places in the hearts of people who are and were a part of my life and it really is amazing to feel what it feels like.
I am taking pride in being such a sly to do so with so much finesse and ease that the person, would never even realize that I had made my space in their heart, with or without their consent (well it’s my privilege though).
I am sure that those who have made their impressions on me, will cross my path again someday, and that day will just bring all the colors that we once shared, back.
Until then, I am creating different colored memories, with each one of those people in my life, as, I have unlimited excess to myself and the colors of life.
Lots of love,